Digital Scrapbook Pages

While I continue to sort through all of my photos from the past year to find all of my craft project photos (progress and finished project photos), I figured I’d post about the scrapbook pages I have made recently. I’m still working on making more for other “life events.” I will probably be making more soon, since it is one of the easier craft projects to do – and doesn’t require clean up.

I am a HUGE fan of digital scrapbooking. For the following reasons:

  1. You can share the pages with more than one person.
  2. You can print off your projects at different sizes, and even make alterations.
  3. You do not need a ton of space in a craft room for your papers, embellishments, and other supplies.
  4. You can scan in papers, etc that you find in real life to use. So no missing out on ones you find and love!
  5. In addition to purchased “digikits” there are plenty of free downloads and you can always make your own!
  6. No mess to clean up!

For digital scrapbooking, I use Serif CraftArtist 2. I have also tried My Digital Studio, but I prefer Craft Artist. I don’t know if it is because I like the features or setup more, or the fact it is just what I was using first. I may just be used to it more since I had the older version as well. I seem to learn new features and get better at using it each time, so I’ll stick with it.

The most recent project I made was our Christmas Card pictured at the top of this blog post. I went on a couple different websites and quoted their cards (where you just insert the photos in their templates), and it was going to be around 80 dollars for 5×7 cards (we were also sending out birth announcements that were that size). Then, a light bulb went off and I realized I could just order them as prints if I designed them in CraftArtist and uploaded the jpeg. Half the price! I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of that for previous cards.  I was a little disappointed that when printed a small amount on the left was cut off, even after reviewing them. I think it was just a goof and it wasn’t major. I had already procrastinated getting them done–it wasn’t worth having them reprinted.

In Other News…

Right now my days consist of nursing (he is still hungry every 1.5 to 3 hours), changing diapers, napping as much as possible, eating and chatting with Theodore. He is starting to be awake more often and he so far his favorite things are listening to music, being sung to, or listening to one way conversations. He has started smiling more, but laughing has only been happening in his sleep. I may start working on my resolution to read more books and read out loud to him.


I can’t believe this guy is two months old this week!

I try to get one chore done a day and it is an accomplishment if I manage a shower. Doing “fun” things only happens a couple times a week, and usually consists of me wanting to get out of the house. Not so much crafting. I haven’t figured out how Theodore reacts to the sewing machine yet, hopefully he won’t mind it. He will have to learn to tolerate it eventually. The thought of cleaning up after working on a project – eh, not worth it. At least for now.